Sunday, October 31, 2010

Today I Give You

My Precious Daughter,

I am here with you. I am here in your mistakes, your failures, your stumbles and your falls. I am here to help you out of the miry clay and to set  your feet back on solid ground. I am here when you are disappointed in yourself and others. I am here when what is wrong seems like it cannot be fixed. I am here when your hope has poured out it's last drop. I am here when there is nothing left at all.

Beloved, I am here in the midst of all that you do. And, if I am here, then what looks hopeless is truly hopeful. What looks empty is being filled. What feels missing is being found. What appears irreparable is being restored to wholeness. Nothing on this earth, dear one, is perfect except for My love and presence in your life.

Today, beloved, I give you new eyes. eyes to see the help, the restoration, the completion and the love of those things which seem lost, broken, unlovely or gone.

Today, precious child, I give  you a new heart. To know My love and to give it out to those around you who need My touch, My grace, My presence in their life.

Today, beloved, I give  you a new walk, a new purpose, a new goal. To love, to bring hope and to pour out all of who I am - all that has been given to you. Your storehouse is filled for you to share. All is not lost - all is hopeful.

Today, precious one, you will rise up, be blessed and give out all that you have been given. For you, dear one, are set apart, rich in My kingdom and loved unconditionally.

Today, I give you, so that you may give, too.

I love you.

Eph. 1:3 - How we praise God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms because we belong to Christ.

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