Monday, August 16, 2010

Let Me Take Your Burden

My precious daughter,

What is all this worry swirling around your mind? What has become of your faith and trust? Why haven't you laid it all at My feet?

Beloved daughter, no amount of worrying, over thinking or constant analysis can match the power of prayer and surrender offered to your loving and omniscient Heavenly Father. There is no greater, truer or more satisfying way to walk through the circumstances of your life than to hand them over to the King of Kings; the only Wise One.

Precious child, take a moment to quiet your mind and meditate on the one and only True and Living God. I am here for you, beloved. I am more powerful, more trustworthy and more loving than any other. You can have the utmost faith knowing when you lay your cares and concerns at My feet, I will lovingly tend to them for you. I will not trash them nor will I mock you, beloved. I will take all you surrender and handle it with the utmost wisdom and love.

Don't spend another moment fretting, dear one. Let Me take your burden. Let Me carry your concerns. Let me handle all your cares. For you are My precious child and the apple of My eye.

I am here. I care.

I love you.

1 comment:

    Analogous to going to church, and hearing a Pastor's message that seems to have been custom written just for "Me" -- YOU'VE TOUCHED MY HEART and SOUL/SPIRIT......This reaches me right where I'm at this very moment. Your words, which I know come from Him through you are healing and annointed ones. He has truly given you a gift of Ministry.

    Thank you for the wisdom you share about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

