Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I Am Your All-In-All

My Precious and Beautiful Daughter,

Do not forget what is most important in your life each day. It is not what you wear, how you look, what you eat or where you go. What is most important is who you serve.

Beloved, do not be conformed to the things of this world, but daily seek your guidance, provision and protection from the Lord Almighty. Focus your attention, not on the temporal things, but on eternal things. Don't put your faith in the treasures of the earth that will one day grow old and fade. Beloved, put your faith in the everlasting joy of your eternal home with the God who loves you beyond measure.

Dear one, I have promised to provide all you need for each day. I have been faithful to keep My promise to you. As you continue to rely on Me for all your needs, I will faithfully and lovingly prove Myself to you. You need not fear or fret, for I am your All-In-All; I have everything you need.

Keep your eyes, your heart and your desire on Me. I will not let you down.

I love you.

1 comment:

  1. Joan
    Because of you, I am learning more about giving up all of me, and handing it over to HE who said,
    "I will never give you more than you can handle; HE, who is the Controller of all things, for nothing is a surprise to HIM, who saved me!!!
    It must be a daily dying to self, ONE DAY, ONE MINUE, AND EVEN ONE SECOND AT A TIME.

    Thank you for your beautiful messages, which I trust are inspirted daily because you have committed your "Self" to be a servant for HIM, the HE we will be with throughout all ETERNITY!

    Thank you for your loving and supportive prayers!

