Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I wrote this early this morning and set it aside to post. As the morning wore on and I was getting ready, something occurred that was a bit disturbing to my plans. Later, as I was preparing to leave, remembered that I had not yet posted. As I typed the words here in this blog, I realized it was just what I needed to hear today for my hope and my peace .... I pray it is the same for you.

My Precious Daughter,

How I long to have you here with Me each day. How I look forward to spending time with you and the opportunity to speak My words of love over you. You are such a beautiful and loving child. You are My heart's delight and greatest work. I pour out My provision, My peace, My love to you and for you.

Each moment of each day, I am with you. I celebrate with you, I dance with you, I sing over you. When you are sad, I mourn with you. When you cry, I collect each tear. When your body and countenance can no longer stand, I carry you. I am the lifter of your head and the lover of your soul. You breathe because I have given you life, and I delight in sharing each moment with you.

Beloved, as you walk through today, put complete faith in Me. As each situation arises, rely on Me. When trouble or conflict loom, call out to Me. When joy overtakes your heart, sing praise to Me.

I am your loving Heavenly Father; you are My greatest work, My masterpiece. I delight in loving you; delight in Me. I love you with the greatest love of all. Receive it, breathe it, embrace it and own it. I am yours; you are Mine.

I love you.

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