Wednesday, June 16, 2010

His Ways are not My Ways ....

This morning in my quiet time, I specifically asked what God wanted me to write to share with you today. I fully expected to receive something wonderful, prophetic and powerful for my second-ever blog. But, as I sat there waiting for the words to come, for the first time in a very long time, I struggled with hearing what to say. I wrote little bits with long pauses in between - quite different from I have been used to in the past. Then, I surrendered to myself, to my desire to speak to you, and let God speak to me. While the message seemed very personal to me regarding what to write, finding a job, etc., at the end I felt a prompting in my heart to let my vulnerability show and share it with you. My heart's desire is that the words God shared with me today will touch your heart as they did mine.

My Precious Daughter,

How I delight when you tary with Me. how I delight in sharing My words of love for you. You are My creation, My masterpiece. I am your hope and your all-in-all. Delight in Me as I delight in you. Beloved, your faith in Me is everything. There is no greater purpose or goal that you can accomplish. I am the desire of your heart, and you are Mine. Without Me there is no hope, no purpose.

Dear one, each day I walk with you. Each day I lay out a path and order your footsteps. Each day you have a choice to walk that path. When you choose that path of righteousness, you are choosing to trust Me. Your faith is made stronger each time you trust Me.

Beloved, do not fret about what to write. You will know what is to be shared and what is for your heart alone. I will never stop speaking to you, dear one; never stop listening. For I have set you on this path and I will not foresake My promises to you or those who seek to hear My voice from these writings. Set your mind on Me each day and not what you think you need to say to others. You have many [past] writings to share. Work from there and I will continue to supply all your needs. A daily blog isn't necessary. I will provide the right words at the right time.

Beloved, walk out this issue with finding a job. Do not worry about the details. I will be with you to supply the strength, the skills and wisdom you need.

I have made you this beautiful, loving woman. I am perfecting you each day. Trust in what I am doing and do not focus on what you think you see. All will be well, dear one, as you put your complete faith and trust in Me.

See how the words flow as you allow Me to do My will. You are My beloved and precious daughter. Keep going. I am here. I love you.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful Joan. Stay transparant as this, with God and us and the blessings will flow... You have blessed me today, or shall I say, God has blessed me thru you, today.
